I <3 Soho.
I'm so in love with new york, and here is still so many places to see. Everything is so amazing, i wanna cry! Not becoz I would be sad, Im more than happy. This is what i need right now. Excatly what i want right now. Oh, i wanna scream that im happy!
Me and my roomie, ah i love her soooo much, she is like my best friend and sister at the same time! But jeah, we went to the Soho. The place is soooo amazing, i love it. Right now, if i could choose place to live it would be Soho. People there, ah so fashionable,nice, everything! We both fell in love with Soho! All the shops, i could spend all my money there! aahh.........
After spending many hours in soho we went to the empire state building. I cant even say how beautiful the view is.U have to go there and see it by urself! It was kind of cold but hey im from finland i can handle it.. or not, haha!
We were in manhattan almost all day. We had eaten only cookies, so we decided to go brasilian restaurant. It was so good, 6 weeks eating school food, well its not the worst food but its school food so restaurant and well done steak,yam! Not much to say, i enjoyed so much and i ate everything!
Perfect day with perfect roomie, who is leaving 2morrow....
Love L